Hosting Fee

In order to purchase and participate in individual lessons, sibling lessons, or group classes, each student must also pay a Hosting Fee to Corbin Wellness Center at the beginning of each lesson. The $5 Hosting Fee is due at the front desk for each student when you attend each class.

Dress Code

Suits that provide full coverage for all private areas are required when participating in all Cannonball Academy lessons and classes. Suits must be tied, or fitted tight enough, to not be displaced during instruction. Thermal suits are required for children 9 months - 2 years of age. Thermal suits are recommended for any child or adult that has trouble maintaining a safe core temperature of 97.5 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Goggles are required for lessons and classes (with the exception for Baby & Best Friend classes).


No filming or photos are allowed without consent from the instructor. Guardians accompanying the student must be seated away from the edge of the pool during the lesson. Please remain quiet and calm. There is zero tolerance for physical or verbal aggression and inappropriate speech by a student, or anyone accompanying the student, towards any individual. The instructor has the right to end lessons or classes for that student if any of these terms are not followed. NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED.

Cancellation and Refunds 

If a lesson or class is canceled due to a scheduling error, inclement weather, facility maintenance, or instructor sickness, the lesson or class will be rescheduled, not refunded. Cancelations by Cannonball Swimming Academy will be done by e-mail. Two alternative dates will be offered to reschedule.

Any lessons or classes missed by the student they will not be rescheduled or refunded. If you need to cancel your lesson or class series, you must give 48 hours notice via email before the start date for a 95% refund.

If upon arrival of your lesson or class, your student doesn’t meet the age parameters or ability requirements for the class/lesson, your remaining bookings will be canceled and you will not receive a refund.


If you are sent a private link to register for a lesson, you have 48 hours to register before the link expires and the lesson option is given to the next person in line.

Risk and Permissions

You acknowledge knowing the recommended pediatric standard for water temperature and exposure time. Also, you give consent for yourself and your child/children to enter the water, fully knowing the water is under 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit and the exposure time is longer than recommended by pediatric standards. If you sign up for sibling lessons, the instructor reserves the right to divide the class time as they deem appropriate between the siblings.